BFF Second Round Application Instructions & Support


Big Field Fund second round applications are by invitation only.

To access the application form, log into Submittable with the same account you used for your first round application.

Second round applications are due Tuesday October 1 at 11:59pm.

Notifications of the results of your application will be sent on November 15. Grant winners will be publicly announced at the beginning of December.


If you’d like to review the second round application questions without logging into Submittable, you can do so using the links below:


We are happy to be able to offer three modes of support while you are preparing your second round application. 

Do you have a simple or clarifying question?

Write us an email anytime at and we will respond within 4 days.

Do you need to talk through an idea, have a series of questions, or need technical assistance with part of the application?

20 minute virtual appointments with BFF staff are available on Thursdays from 5:30-6:30 pm and Saturdays 10-11am from August 22 through Sept. 14. 

Make an appointment using this link:

Do you need feedback on what’s unclear or missing from your application draft?

BFF staff will review completed application drafts submitted by 11:59pm on Wed. Sept. 4. Feedback will be focused on clarity of writing and alignment with BFF goals. (We are not able to provide copyediting or feedback on writing style.)

If you would like your second round application draft reviewed, you'll need to submit the application (in Submittable) on or before Wed. Sept. 4 and let us know you'd like a review of all or part of it by sending us a message through Submittable. When we send feedback on your draft, we will re-open the application so you can make any changes you desire. before re-submitting it by the final deadline (Oct. 1).

Feedback will be returned on a rolling basis, by September 20 at the latest.

Application Tips

  1. Read all of the relevant grant materials to determine whether your work and proposal matches at least one of the Big Field Fund priorities. Specifics are available at

  2. Gather the necessary materials for your application early. The two BFF grant applications are not identical, so read through the whole application for your grant type, including the provided advice, and make sure you answer each question directly and completely. You can work on your application as a draft as you compile these items, but make sure everything is inputted and in the correct format when you’re ready to submit your application.

  3. If there are questions or support materials you haven’t previously written, gathered, or documented, use these resources to assist with your process.
    Creative Capital curriculum  (
    • Professional Writing: Project Proposals + Descriptions
    • Self Presentation: Artist Statement + Bio + Resume
    • Career Documentation: Work Samples + Archiving
    • Creating Realistic Budgets

    Aim for the best representation or quality for your support materials. For image, video, and audio-based samples, consider these additional resources: 
    • How to Document Your Artwork.
    • Photo Documentation of Artwork (PDF from Northern Illinois University)

  4. Have someone else read your application materials. See if they understand what you plan to do, who you will share your project with, and how you will fund it.

  5. Consider signing up for BFF virtual office hours to talk through your project with staff. Or share a draft for brief feedback.  

  6. If you’re confused about any aspect of the application, ask us! Email:


BFF locations and venues: Public Space One is the administrator of the Big Field Fund. PS1’s role in BFF is to facilitate the outreach and application process and the cohort experience. With this in mind, BFF projects must happen off-site, at venues and locations other than PS1. This includes activities like workshops, exhibits, screenings, performances, etc. 

Timing of grant activities: Key project activities and public access to the project must take place in 2025 (but can be intended to continue in the future).

Budget: Take time to think through your budget. It needs to be believable for the proposed project. If you need more money, share realistic supplementary sources, support that is already in place, or adjust your project accordingly.

Partnerships: BFF is intended to support artist-led projects. If you (or your artist team) are partnering with one or more organizations as part of your project, please make sure to demonstrate that you are leading the project as primary decision-maker(s) and benefiting from the grant funds. 

Looking for additional ways to strengthen your proposal?
Review the scoring guidelines for your BFF grant type, especially the explanation of criteria.