Project Grants


Big Field Fund Project Grants award between $5000-$8000 to support the public realization of connective, collaborative, and/or experimental artist-led projects that fulfill one or more of the following focus areas:

  • projects that manifest new and inventive models to present/nurture/deploy visuals arts in Iowa

  • projects that support under-resourced artists and creative communities

  • projects that engage with vulnerable or underutilized resources, structures, systems, or ecologies

  • projects that would likely not otherwise be eligible for financial support due to their multidisciplinary, ephemeral, or risk-taking nature

BFF Project Grants are intended to support eastern Iowa artists (this year, defined as within 80 miles of Iowa City and in the state of Iowa). In addition to the financial award to support their project, BFF will support grantees with:

  • a public award celebration

  • a grantee cohort gathering 

  • a studio visit/consultation with an artist, curator, or specialist in the field

  • promotion of their projects via BFF’s communication channels

Important Dates

June 10, 2024

First Round Applications Open

Aug. 1, 2024

First Round Applications Due

11:59 pm

Aug. 15, 2024

First Round Applicants Notified;
Second Round Application Open

Oct. 1, 2024

Second Round Applications Due

Nov. 15, 2024

Second Round Applicants Notified

Dec. 1, 2024

Grantee Contracts Due

Dec. 2024

Award Celebration + Funding Distributed

Grantee Cohort Gathering

Feb.-Apr. 2025

Exact date TBA.

Grantee Individual Check-Ins

May-Aug. 2025

Dec. 1, 2025

Proposed Project Activities Complete, Grant Reports Due


Applicants must:

  • be at least 18 years old

  • reside and plan to produce the project within 80 miles of Iowa City and in the state of Iowa (see map here)

  • have an active artistic practice and be able to demonstrate recent work

  • have the ability to complete work proposed within one year of the grant award (largely in the calendar year 2025)

Applicants may not be:

  • a non-profit or incorporated business (501(c)(3)s, LLCs, S- or C-Corp, or partnership)

  • enrolled in a full-time degree-granting program

Proposed projects must: 

  • be grounded in the visual arts (painting, drawing, sculpture, social practice, performance art, film/video, photography, textiles, ceramics, cross-disciplinary, public art, etc.)

  • go beyond an individual studio practice, incorporating activities and formats including but not limited to: exhibitions, performances, installations, interventions, digital platforms, broadcasts, workshops, spectacles, screenings, and publications (again, as long as they are firmly rooted in the visual arts)

Application & Selection Process

BFF applications must be made via BFF’s Submittable website. You’ll need to create a free Submittable account to log in to the application website.

The first round of applications will be reviewed for eligibility by BFF staff. All eligible first round applicants will be invited to submit a second round application which provides more detail on the proposed project.

Preview first round application questions here. [PDF] [text]

The second round of applications will be reviewed by the 2024 BFF jury, composed of 2 Iowa artists and/or curators and 2 national artists and/or curators. Up to 8 applications will be selected for a project grant.

Second round applications will include:

  • a detailed project description

  • a detailed project budget

  • support documents


  • Yes, we welcome applications to support collaborative projects. However, one of the collaborators must serve as the lead artist on the application. In the second round, there will be an opportunity to identify project collaborators and describe the nature of the collaboration.

  • You are not eligible as a lead applicant, but you could be a collaborator with another artist/artist collective in the eligible region.

  • BFF grants are intended to support projects that go beyond individual studio practice and traditional approaches to publicly presenting artwork. While this does not necessarily exclude a solo creative practice or gallery exhibition, a strong project proposal will justify how this approach fulfills the goals of the BFF.

  • No. PS1 is delighted to house the BFF grant program but encourages you to seek out other, and especially non-traditional, venues. If you’re interested in presenting work at PS1, check out our annual open call in late summer/early fall.

  • Applications must come from an individual (not an incorporated nonprofit or business). Submitting a BFF Project or R/D Grant proposal tied to your individual artistic practice is possible as long as the related project is not part of your business endeavors. If awarded a grant, all grant funds must remain separate from your business. Your proposal will still need to meet the other eligibility criteria, including the public realization of a project that engages with the visual arts and fulfills one or more of the BFF focus areas.

  • Paying artists (including yourself and collaborators) and other workers, supplies, marketing costs, equipment (equipment purchase may only be 25% of your budget), documentation, venue costs, travel.