Jane Gilmor

Jane Gilmor is known for her extensive body of work engaging with social and cultural issues. She began working in community-based, collaborative projects with marginalized populations in 1980s and has since worked nationally and internationally with the under housed, women’s shelters, cancer patients, and low wage workers. She recently began a long-term collaboration, Shifting-Ground, with Portuguese artists Paula and Antonio Pinto working with immigrants in Iowa and central Portugal.

Gilmor has received an NEA Fellowships, a Fulbright, a McKnight Fellowship, and residencies in Ireland, Italy, London, The McDowell Colony, The Banff Center and The Bemis. In 2012 A.I.R. Gallery in New York published her monograph, Jane Gilmor: I’ll Be Back for The Cat, by Joy Sperling in 2012.

She has exhibited at the Kochi-Murziris Biennale, India; Pirogi, Brooklyn; Chicago Cultural Center; The Des Moines Art Center; MOMA PS 1, Queens; and the Museum of Contemporary Crafts, NYC, among others. Her work is reviewed in The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, The New Art Examiner, Cabinet, and included in such pivotal books as Lucy Lippard’s OVERLAY, and Broude and Gerrard’s The Power of Feminist Art: The American Movement of the 1970s.

Gilmor studied at The School of The Art Institute of Chicago, Iowa State University, and has an MFA from The University of Iowa. She is Emeritus Professor of Art at Mount Mercy University and maintains a studio in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.



Connie Yu